Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Java Developers Guide to Eclipse Second Edition Covers Eclipse 30 or Outlook 2007 All in One Desk Reference For Dummies

The Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse, Second Edition, Covers Eclipse 3.0

Author: Jim DAnjou

“Fully updated and revised for Eclipse 3.0, this book is the definitive Eclipse reference—an indispensable guide for tool builders, rich client application developers, and anyone customizing or extending the Eclipse environment.”

Dave Thomson, Eclipse Project Program Director, IBM
The Ultimate Guide to Eclipse 3.0 for the Java Developer. No Eclipse Experience Required!

Eclipse is a world-class Java integrated development environment (IDE) and an open source project and community. Written by members of the IBM Eclipse Jumpstart team, The Java™ Developer’s Guide to Eclipse, Second Edition, is the definitive Eclipse companion. As in the best-selling first edition, the authors draw on their considerable experience teaching Eclipse and mentoring developers to provide guidance on how to customize Eclipse for increased productivity and efficiency.

In this greatly expanded edition, readers will find

  • A total update, including the first edition’s hallmark, proven exercises—all revised to reflect Eclipse 3.0 changes to the APIs, plug-ins, UI, widgets, and more
  • A special focus on rich client support with a new chapter and two exercises
  • A comprehensive exercise on using Eclipse to develop a Web commerce application using Apache’s Tomcat
  • A new chapter on JFace viewers and added coverage of views
  • A new chapter on internationalization and accessibility
  • New chapters on performance tuning and Swing interoperability

Using this book, those new to Eclipse will become proficient with it, while advanced developers will learn how to extend Eclipse andbuild their own Eclipse-based tools. The accompanying CD-ROM contains Eclipse 3.0, as well as exercise solutions and many code examples.

Whether you want to use Eclipse and Eclipse-based offerings as your integrated development environment or customize Eclipse further, this must-have book will quickly bring you up to speed.

Interesting textbook: Amarillo Junior League Cookbook or Great Desserts of the South

Outlook 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Author: Jennifer Fulton

• Nine minibooks spanning more than 800 pages make this an indispensable guide for Outlook power users

• Covers the new Outlook interface and features and offers detailed coverage of Outlook tools, techniques, and tricks

• Minibooks include: Outlook basics; e-mail, RSS, and news; personal information management; managing and controlling information; collaboration; functional forms; VBA programming; managing business information; and maintenance, management, and troubleshooting

• Office has more than 120 million users worldwide-90 percent of the business productivity software market-and most of these users look to Outlook for e-mail, calendaring, and personal information management

Table of Contents:

Book I: Getting Started.

Chapter 1: An Insider’s Look at the Outlook Interface.

Chapter 2: Outlook, Quick and Dirty.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your E-Mail Accounts.

Chapter 4: Importing Data into Outlook.

Book II: E-Mail Basics.

Chapter 1: Creating New Messages: Beyond the Basics.

Chapter 2: Reading and Replying to E-Mail.

Chapter 3: Making Your E-Mail Look Professional and Cool.

Chapter 4: Repeating Yourself Easily with Signatures and Templates.

Book III: Über E-Mail.

Chapter 1: Controlling the Sending and Receiving of Messages.

Chapter 2: When You Have to Know Now: Instant Messaging.

Chapter 3: Getting the Latest News Delivered Right to Your Inbox.

Chapter 4: Sending Mass Mailings.

Chapter 5: Managing Multiple E-Mail Accounts.

Book IV: Working with the Calendar.

Chapter 1: Getting Familiar with the Calendar.

Chapter 2: Going Further with the Calendar.

Chapter 3: Calendar Collaboration.

Chapter 4: All About Meetings.

Chapter 5: Making the Calendar Your Own.

Book V: Managing Contacts.

Chapter 1: Getting in Contact.

Chapter 2: Working with Your Contacts.

Chapter 3: Dealing with Business Cards.

Chapter 4: Contacts Collaboration.

Book VI: Tracking Tasks, Taking Notes, and Recording Items in theJournal.

Chapter 1: Creating Tasks with the To-Do Bar.

Chapter 2: Dealing with More Complex Tasks.

Chapter 3: Spreading the Joy: Task Assignments.

Chapter 4: Taking Notes.

Chapter 5: Taking Notes in Overdrive: OneNote.

Chapter 6: Maximizing the Power of OneNote.

Chapter 7: Making History in the Journal.

Book VII: Working with Business Contact Manager.

Chapter 1: Minding Your Business Contact Manager.

Chapter 2: Introducing the Basic Business Contact Manager Elements.

Chapter 3: Working with Opportunities.

Chapter 4: Reports and Dashboards.

Book VIII: Customizing Outlook.

Chapter 1: Organizing Items with Categories.

Chapter 2: Changing Your View on Outlook.

Chapter 3: Customizing Outlook Forms.

Book IX: Managing Your Outlook Stuff.

Chapter 1: Finding a Place for Your Stuff.

Chapter 2: Playing by the Rules.

Chapter 3: Making Mincemeat Out of Spam.

Chapter 4: Seek and Ye Shall Find.

Chapter 5: Securing Outlook E-Mail.

Book X: Out and About: Taking Outlook on the Road.

Chapter 1: Staying in Touch No Matter Where You Are.

Chapter 2: Turning Your E-Mail Accounts into Roadies.

Chapter 3: Printing Your Stuff and Taking It with You.


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